What is Organized Retail Crime?

Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is an organized effort by two or more persons to convert illegally obtained merchandise or cash into financial gain through theft or fraud…

UPCOMING: Meetings & Events

UPCOMING: Meetings & Events

…This usually involves the theft of multiple quantities of similar products or thefts from multiple stores, multiple jurisdictions or multiple states. Organized Retail Theft is a "gateway crime” that often leads us to major crime rings that use the illicit proceeds to fund other crimes-such as organized crime activities, health care fraud, money laundering, and potentially even terrorism." FBI Special Agent Eric Ives, Violent Crimes/Major Offenders Unit.

What is TXORCA?

In 2017, the founding members of the Texas Organized Retail Crime Association (TXORCA) found themselves assembled in the Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW) Market discussing Organized Retail Crime (ORC), its impact on their respective areas, and how to more effectively combat it. The ORC epidemic was nothing new to this group as Texas had earned a reputation for housing some of the most active ORC Markets in the country.

So, what makes us different….